GeoBubble Solar Covers

High-Quality GeoBubble Pool Covers

Please call us on 0208 941 6618 or email us for more information, technical advice, or a competitive quote.

What is a GeoBubble Solar Cover? Like a regular ‘bubble’ solar cover, but better!

GeoBubble technology was developed in collaboration with London Metropolitan University and the University of Brighton during over five years of scientific research. Its unique patented design and specially designed material make it far superior to a standard solar cover. Compared with a traditional solar cover, the ‘bubbles’ of a GeoBubble cover are larger and are arranged in twos with a structural waistline centre section between them.

The material of the GeoBubble cover is also 50% thicker. These characteristics allow for increased resistance against Ultra Violet (UV) radiation and chemical attack, giving them a 25%+ longer lifespan* and improved heating and insulation properties. Highly effective and long-lasting, a GeoBubble solar cover will reduce your energy bill, prolong your pool season, and help to reduce the carbon footprint of your pool.
*Providing water is kept within SPATA recommended guidelines.

If you are interested in finding out more about the range of pools we offer, why not call us today on 0208 941 6618?

Our team would be delighted to help you with any questions or queries you might have, and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can.