High Quality Solar Pool Cover Reels & Equipment at Incredible Prices!
With a solar reel, looking after your pool with a pool cover can be made even simpler. Providing greater convenience and ease of use than the traditional manual reels, these solar reels have the capability to automatically wind your cover for you. However, unlike the other motorised or electrical reels, these solar pool cover reels do not require a supply of electricity or any hard-wiring, which makes this a much more convenient alternative to a manual reel.
By utilising a photovoltaic panel or a solar panel, our solar reels are able to charge its battery and use the battery to run the motor that automatically winds the cover onto and off the swimming pool. Not only are our solar reels environmentally friendly as they utilise renewable energy, but they are also able to charge even on cloudy days. However, the greater the intensity of the light, the greater the flow of electricity. Solar pool cover reels are perfect for outdoor swimming pools.
*A solar panel contains special cells (made up of one or two layers of a semi-conducting material – usually silicon) which convert light energy from the sun into electric energy. When sunlight shines on the cells, an electrical field is created and electricity flows.
If you are interested in finding out more about the range of pools we offer, why not call us today on 0208 941 6618?
Our team would be delighted to help you with any questions or queries you might have, and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can.