Monitair Dehumidifiers
Monitair Dehumidifiers are efficient, economical, and high-performance units that are suitable for large pools. Monitair is an established manufacturer of dehumidifiers and these high-quality units are manufactured in the UK. These units work by circulating the pool air to remove moisture from the air and deliver warm dry air back into the pool hall.
The Monitair dehumidifiers are self-contained units that are quick and easy to install. They are free standing, though if you prefer, they can be supplied as a through-the-wall version, complete with a duct and grille kit. This is a useful option for confined spaces since the dehumidifier is placed in an adjacent plant room, out of sight.
Monitair dehumidifier units can also be supplied with Low Pressure Hot Water (LPHW) batteries, which will heat the pool hall air via hot water from a boiler, without the need for separate fan heaters or radiators. This is an extremely cost-effective way to heat your pool hall if you have a hot water boiler located nearby. All Monitair models are supplied with a variable thermostat and defrost function as standard.
Models Available:
Monitair 75 | Monitair 110 |
Please call us on 0208 941 6618 or email us for more information, technical advice, or a competitive quote.