
Pool Sanitising Chemicals at Incredible Prices

Please call us on 0208 941 6618 or email us for more information, technical advice, or a competitive quote.

Although Chlorine itself is very effective at killing algae, you can use swimming pool algaecides in addition to Chlorine to help prevent the pool from going green if the chlorine levels accidentally fall. This is a popular method of pool sanitation that has proven to be very effective at killing algae and maintaining your pool. Algaecides are designed to inhibit the growth of algae, but it does not kill it. To kill the algae, you will need to use shock chlorine. Some algaecides need to be added in small amounts weekly, but the most popular is known as ‘long life’ as one dose can last up to 6 months.

Please note that those containing copper should be avoided by people with very blonde hair who spend a lot of time underwater.

To discuss your requirements, and for prices, please call us on 0208 941 6618 or email us.

Showing the single result

Image of clean pool water.

Chemical Concentration

You should always use the correct quantities of chemicals for your pool size. To work out the water capacity of your pool (in gallons), you can use the following formulas:

Imperial (gallons):

  • For square or rectangular pools – length (ft) x width (ft) x average depth (ft) x 6.25 = volume (gallons)
  • For circular pools – 3.1428 x radius2 (ft) x average depth (ft) x 6.25 = volume (gallons)

Metric (m3):

  • For square or rectangular pools – length (m) x width (m) x average depth (m) = volume (m3)
  • For circular pools – 3.1428 x radius2 (m) x average depth (m) = volume (m3)

Pool pH

All pools should have a pH between 7.2 and 7.6. A low pH is acidic and corrosive, and will damage pool parts and sting bather’s eyes. A high pH is alkaline and stops any chlorine present from working as well as being scale forming.

Test the pH of your pool using Phenol Red in a test kit. If your pool pH is not within the required limits (either too high or too low), you can add a pH minus or a pH plus to bring levels within the required limits.

pH minus – A pH above 7.6 (‘high’) is lowered by adding pH minus (sodium bisulphate or pool acid)
pH plus – A pH below 7.2 (‘low’) is raised by adding pH plus (sodium carbonate or pool alkali)

If you are interested in finding out more about the range of pools we offer, why not call us today on 0208 941 6618?

Our team would be delighted to help you with any questions or queries you might have, and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can.